Tap Changing Transformers

Tap Changing Transformers: The excitation control method is satisfactory only for relatively short lines. However, it is not suitable for long lines as the voltage at the alternator terminals will…

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Tirril Voltage Regulator

Tirril Voltage Regulator: In this type of Tirril Voltage Regulator, a fixed resistance is cut in and cut out of the exciter field circuit of the alternator. This is achieved…

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DC Distribution System

DC Distribution System: It is a common knowledge that electric power is almost exclusively generated, transmitted and disĀ­tributed as a.c. However, for certain applications, d.c. supply is absolutely necessary. For…

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Stepper Motor Classification

Stepper Motor Classification: The Stepper Motor Classification based on the construction and principle of operation. These are Variable reluctance motors Permanent magnet motors Hybrid stepping motors Claw pole motors with…

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Types of Steel Rolling Mills

Types of Steel Rolling Mills: Types of Steel Rolling Mills are either hot rolled or cold rolled. These may be either reversing type or continuous type. The motors used for…

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Magnitude Optimum

Magnitude Optimum: The design of a controller based on the principle Magnitude OptimumĀ that it allows all the freĀ­quencies to pass through in a similar way for a simple system is…

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Commutation in DC Motor

Commutation in DC Motor: Commutation and commutator wear and tear of the dc motor must be given due consideration when the motor operates on solid state converters. Spark-less commutation must…

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