Intel 8096 CPU Structure

Intel 8096 CPU Structure: The major components of the CPU on the 8096BH are the register file and the register ALU (RALU). The Intel 8096 CPU Structure consists of a…

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Arithmetic Instructions in 8051

Arithmetic Instructions in 8051: The Arithmetic Instructions in 8051 of Basic Assembly Language Programming are ADD, ADDC, SUBB and DA The ADD instruction adds a byte variable with the accumulator,…

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Exceptions Types of Motorola 68000

Exceptions Types of Motorola 68000: Exception means an interrupt processing. Like 8086, Exceptions Types of Motorola 68000 also uses a jump vector table to transfer program control to the appropriate…

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Memory Addressing Modes of 8086

Memory Addressing Modes of 8086: Most of the memory ICs are byte oriented i.e. each memory location can store only one byte of data. The 8086 is a 16-bit microprocessor,…

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8086 Interrupt Types

8086 Interrupt Types: The 8086 Interrupt Types are Dedicated Interrupts: Type 0 : Divide by Zero Interrupt When the quotient from either a DIV or IDIV instruction is too large to…

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8086 Instruction Set Articles

8086 Instruction Set Articles: Data Transfer Instructions in 8086: The Data Transfer Instructions in 8086 are a) General Purpose Byte or Word Transfer Instructions: MOV PUSH POP XCHG XLAT MOV…

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