Magnetically Induced Emf and Force

Magnetically Induced Emf and Force: Magnetically Induced Emf and Force - Faraday's law of induction, which is the integral form of the fourth Maxwell's equation, is given as The integrated…

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Distributed and Dispersed Generation

Distributed and Dispersed Generation: Distributed Generation (DG) using many small generators of 2-50 MW output, installed at various strategic points throughout the area, so that each provides power to a…

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Deregulation Meaning

Deregulation Meaning: For over one hundred years, the electric power industry worldwide operated as a regulated industry. In any area there was only one company or government agency (mostly state-owned)…

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Energy Conservation Methods

Energy Conservation Methods: Energy Conservation Methods is the cheapest new source of energy. We should resort to various conservation measures such as cogeneration (discussed earlier), and use energy efficient motors…

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Energy Storage Materials

Energy Storage Materials: There is a lot of problem in storing electricity in large quantities. Energy Storage Materials which can be converted into electricity can be stored in a number…

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Structure of Power Systems

Structure of Power Systems: Structure of Power Systems - Generating stations, transmission lines and the distribution systems are the main components of an electric power system. Generating stations and a…

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