Types of Steel Rolling Mills

Types of Steel Rolling Mills: Types of Steel Rolling Mills are either hot rolled or cold rolled. These may be either reversing type or continuous type. The motors used for…

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Uncompensated Large Time Constants

Uncompensated Large Time Constants: It is possible to compensate only one Uncompensated Large Time Constants using a PI controller. A PID controller is used to compensate for two large time…

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Relative Stability from the Nyquist Plot

Relative Stability from the Nyquist Plot: Relative Stability from the Nyquist Plot - The considerations discussed above provide information about the absolute stability of the system, i.e., whether the system…

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Introduction Control Techniques in Electric Drives

Introduction Control Techniques in Electric Drives: An electric drive is a well established industrial drive as it has several ad­vantages and special features. Its Control Techniques consists in starting, speed…

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Methods to Leading Power Factor

Methods to Leading Power Factor: We have seen that a phase controlled converter requires reactive power for control and commutation. The harmonics do not contribute to the active power loading…

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