Two Port Network Articles

Two Port Network Articles: Terminal Pairs or Ports: A pair of terminals at which an electrical signal may enter or leave a network is called a port. The terminals or…

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h Parameters of Two Port Network

h Parameters of Two Port Network: h Parameters of Two Port Network are also called hybrid parameters. These parameters are very useful in constructing models for transistors. The transistor parameters…

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Basic Components of Static Relays Articles

Basic Components of Static Relays Articles: Field Effect Transistor in Static Relay : Field Effect Transistor in Static Relay is a unipolar device as compared to bipolar transistor already discussed.…

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Static Protective Relay Articles

Static Protective Relay Articles: Electronic Relays : Electronic Relays – These were the first to be developed in the series of static relays. They date back to early 1928 when…

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Basic Elements of Static Relay

Basic Elements of Static Relay: The basic elements of a static relay are namely, Input Element: Mixing circuits are needed to sum the input signals in a convenient form. Semiconductor…

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Coincidence Type Phase Comparator

Coincidence Type Phase Comparator: The basic concept of phase comparison is simpler in that it is possible to deal with signals of equal strength whose coincidence (or noncoinecidence) is readily…

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Sampling Circuits

Sampling Circuits: Sampling Circuits is one which allows a comparison of instantaneous values derived at different instants of time, thereby dispensing with the need to phase shift and mix signals…

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Square Wave Generators

Square Wave Generators: Diode clippers can be used to remove the curved portion of the sinusoidal wave to give square waves. The operational amplifier together with an integrator, can be…

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