Electric Voltage

Electric Voltage: Electric Voltage states that, according to the structure of an atom, we know that there are two types of charges: Positive and Negative. A force of attraction exists…

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Turbine Flow Meter Working Principle

Turbine Flow Meter Working Principle: Turbine Flow Meter Working Principle - The Turbine Flow Meter is used for the measurement of liquid gas and gases of very low flow rate.…

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Pyrometer Working Principle

Pyrometer Working Principle: When temperature being measured is very high and physical contact with the medium to be measured is impossible or impractical, optical pyrometer based on the principle of…

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What is a Temperature Transducer?

What is a Temperature Transducer?: Temperature Transducer is one of the most widely measured and controlled variable in industry, as a lot of products during manufacturing requires controlled temperature at…

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Photoelectric Transducer Working Principle

Photoelectric Transducer Working Principle: Photoelectric Transducer can be categorized as photo emissive, photo-conductive or photo-voltaic. In photo emissive devices, radiation falling on a cathode causes electrons to be emitted from…

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Working Principle of Piezoelectric Transducer

Working Principle of Piezoelectric Transducer: A symmetrical crystalline materials such as Quartz, Rochelle salt and Barium titanate produce an emf when they are placed under stress. This property is used…

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Q Meter

Q Meter: The overall efficiency of coils and capacitors intended for RF applications is best evaluated using the Q value. The Q Meter is used to measure some electrical properties…

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Structure of Liquid Vapour Display (LVD)

Structure of Liquid Vapour Display (LVD): Liquid Vapour Display (LVD) are the latest in economical display technology. They employ a new reflective passive display principle and depend on the presence…

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