Types of Electrical Drives

Types of Electrical Drives: Types of Electrical Drives has the following major parts: load, motor, power modulator, control unit and source. There are large number of loads and each load…

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PLC Operation

PLC Operation: To understand the PLC Operation, consider the simple process shown in Fig. 21.63 In this process a mixer motor is to be used to automatically stir the liquid…

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On Off Controller

On Off Controller or Two Position Controller: The On Off Controller or two position controller is the simplest, cheapest and the most used controllers. It is used in domestic heating…

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Heat Capacity of Calorimeter

Heat Capacity of Calorimeter: Heat Capacity of Calorimeter - RF power may be directly converted into heat. Water acts as the load, and RF power may be used to heat…

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Bolometer: Bolometric measurements are based on the dissipation of RF power in a small temperature sensitive resistive element, called a Bolometer. This bolometer may be a short ultra thin wire…

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Primary Standard

Primary Standard: Primary Standard - One arrangement is a carefully designed quartz crystal oscillator operating in the range 50 to 100 kHz, having a low temperature coefficient, constant amplitude output…

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Delta Modulation

Delta Modulation(DM): Delta modulation(DM) is process of modulation in which train of fixed width pulses is transmitted. Their polarity indicates whether the demodulator output should rise or fall at each…

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Time Division Multiplexing

Time Division Multiplexing(TDM): Time Division Multiplexing - Any pulse modulation scheme involves translating the audio, or modulating signal into a series of encoded pulses, sending these pulses over a transmission…

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