Voltage Magnification in Series Resonance

Voltage Magnification in Series Resonance: Voltage Magnification in Series Resonance - If we assume that the voltage applied to the series RLC circuit is V, and the current at resonance…

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Bandwidth of RLC Circuit

Bandwidth of RLC Circuit: The bandwidth of any system is the range of frequencies for which the current or output voltage is equal to 70.7% of its value at the…

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Norton Equivalent Circuit

Norton Equivalent Circuit: Another method of analysing a complex impedance circuit is given by Norton's theorem. The Norton Equivalent Circuit form of any complex impedance circuit consists of an equivalent…

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Thevenin Equivalent Circuit

Thevenin Equivalent Circuit: Thevenin's theorem gives us a method for simplifying a given circuit. The Thevenin Equivalent Circuit form of any complex impedance circuit consists of an equivalent voltage source…

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Parallel Circuits Definition

Parallel Circuits Definition: Parallel Circuits Definition - The complex number system simplifies the analysis of parallel ac circuits. In series circuits, the current is the same in all parts of…

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Series Circuit

Series Circuit: Series Circuit - The impedance diagram is a useful tool for analyzing series ac circuits. Basically we can divide the series circuits as RL, RC and RLC circuits.…

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Impedance Diagram

Impedance Diagram: Impedance Diagram is a complex quantity having real and imaginary parts; where the real part is the resistance and the imaginary part is the reactance of the circuit.…

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