Galvanometer Type Recorder

Galvanometer Type Recorder: The D'Arsonval movement used in moving coil indicating instruments can also provide the movement in a Galvanometer Type Recorder. The D'Arsonval movement consists of a moving coil…

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Detectors Types

Detectors Types: The Detectors Types are as follows For low frequency, the most convenient detector is the vibration galvanometer. For ordinary laboratory work at frequencies up to a few 100 Hz,…

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Hays Bridge Circuit

Hays Bridge Circuit: Hays Bridge Circuit, shown in Fig. 11.23, differs from Maxwell's bridge by having a resistance R1 in series with a standard capacitor C1 instead of a parallel.…

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Wheatstone Bridge Diagram

Wheatstone Bridge Diagram: A Wheatstone Bridge diagram in its simplest form consists of a network of four resistance arms forming a closed circuit, with a dc source of current applied…

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Megger Circuit Diagram

Megger Circuit Diagram: Another common method of measuring resistances above 50 M Ω is the Megger Circuit Diagram (megaohmmeter) shown in Fig. 10.23(a). This instrument is used to measure very…

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Q Meter

Q Meter: The overall efficiency of coils and capacitors intended for RF applications is best evaluated using the Q value. The Q Meter is used to measure some electrical properties…

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Field Strength Meter (Transistor) Circuit

Field Strength Meter (Transistor) Circuit: The Field Strength Meter is used to measure the radiation intensity from a transmitting antenna at a given location. With its own small antenna, it…

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Output Power Meter Working Principle

Output Power Meter Working Principle: The Output Power Meter Working Principle is designed to directly measure the output power in an arbitrary load. The instrument provides a set of resistive…

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