Protection of Busbars and Lines Articles

Protection of Busbars and Lines Articles: Busbar Protection : Busbars and lines are important elements of electric power system and require the immediate attention of protection engineers for safeguards against…

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Distribution Systems Articles

Distribution Systems Articles: AC Distribution System : Now-a-days electrical energy is generated, transmitted and distributed in the form of alternating current. One important reason for the widespread use of alternating…

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Introduction to Modern Power System Articles

Introduction to Modern Power System Articles: Introduction to Modern Power System Planning: In Modern Power System Planning, electric energy is an essential ingredient for the industrial and all-round development of…

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Testing of Materials Articles

Testing of Materials Articles: Direct Current Resistivity Method: The specimen shape and the electrode arrangement should be such that the Direct Current Resistivity Method can be easily calculated. For a…

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Overvoltage Articles

Overvoltage Articles: Simpson Theory of Lightning: The factors that contribute to the formation or accumulation of charge in the clouds are too many and uncertain. But during thunderstorms, positive and…

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Generation of High Voltage and Currents Articles

Generation of High Voltage and Currents Articles: Different Types of High Voltages: In the fields of electrical engineering and applied physics, Different Types of High Voltages (d.c., a.c,, and impulse)…

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Oscilloscope Articles

Oscilloscope Articles: Introduction to Oscilloscopes: The Cathode Ray Oscilloscope is probably the most versatile tool for the development of electronic circuits and systems. The Cathode Ray Oscilloscope allows the amplitude…

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Digital Instruments Articles

Digital Instruments Articles: What is a Digital Instrument?: Digital instrument are rapidly replacing their analog counterparts. The parameters of interest in a laboratory environment are (i) voltage (ii) current (iii)…

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