Parameters of JFET

Parameters of JFET: JFET has certain parameters which determine the performance. Such Parameters of JFET are (i) ac drain resistance, (ii) transconductance, (iii) amplification factor, and (iv) dc drain resistance,…

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Advantages and Disadvantages of JFET

Advantages and Disadvantages of JFET: Junction field-effect transistors combine several merits of both conventional (or bipolar) transistors and vacuum tubes. Some of these advantages and disadvantages of JFET are enumerated…

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Various Bias Compensation Methods

Various Bias Compensation Methods: During the discussion made for various biasing methods for providing stability to the operating point we have seen that self bias (or potential divider bias) and…

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Two Supply Emitter Bias Circuit

Two Supply Emitter Bias Circuit: From the stability point of view, this two supply emitter bias circuit is the best of all already discussed circuits, but it has one drawback…

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