Electric Drive Motor

Electric Drive Motor: Motion control is required in large number of industrial and domestic applications like transportation systems, rolling mills, paper machines, textile mills, machine tools, fans, pumps, robots, washing…

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A Simple Electric Motor

A Simple Electric Motor: Variable speed drives in the industry employ a simple electric motor as their drive motors mainly because they enjoy several specific advantages, such as overload capacity,…

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Resonant Coaxial Wavemeter

Resonant Coaxial Wavemeter: A Resonant Coaxial Wavemeter line such as illustrated in Fig. 16.1 and operating as a resonant system can be used to measure frequencies in the range of…

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Modern Radar Systems Analysis

Modern Radar Systems Analysis: Modern Radar System are of great importance for both military and civil applications. The main problem of a typical radar system is the detection of return…

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Typical Digital Filtering Operations

Typical Digital Filtering Operations: Digital filters in fact can be applied in many different parts of a signal and image processing transmission system. Two typical examples of systems in which…

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Fast Fourier Transform Formula

Fast Fourier Transform Formula: The Fast Fourier Transform Formula is a computational tool which facilitates signal analysis, such as power spectrum analysis and filter simulation using digital computers. In digital…

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Frequency Domain Representation

Frequency Domain Representation: Frequency Domain Representation - A very important representation of discrete time systems can be obtained in terms of sinusoidal or complex-exponential signals. This is possible because the…

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Signal Conditioning System

Signal Conditioning System: Signal Conditioning System - The measurand, which is basically a physical quantity, is detected by the first stage of the instrumentation or measurement system. The first stage…

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