Ideal Transformer on Load

Ideal Transformer on Load: Transfer of energy from one circuit to another circuit through mutual induction is widely utilized in power systems. This purpose is served by Ideal Transformer on…

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Effects of Harmonics

Effects of Harmonics: The relationship between line and phase quantities for wye and delta connections as derived earlier are strictly valid only if the source voltage is purely sinusoidal. Such…

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Working Principle of Relay Articles

Working Principle of Relay Articles: Induction Relay Torque Equation : In Induction Relay Torque Equation, Two magnetic fluxes Φ1 and Φ2 differing in time phase penetrate through a disc. These alternating fluxes…

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Power Swings in Power System Protection

Power Swings in Power System Protection: The impedance measured or seen by a distance relay during normal load is shown in Fig. (5.29). Normally this would be outside the tripping…

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Differential Relay Application

Differential Relay Application: The principle of operation depends on a simple circulating current principle where the difference of the currents of the two CTs flows through the relay under normal…

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Switched Reluctance Motor

Switched Reluctance Motor: The switched reluctance motor (SRM) has both salient pole stator and rotor, like variable stepper motor, but they are designed for different applications, and therefore, with different…

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Stator Voltage Control of Induction Motor

Stator Voltage Control of Induction Motor: By reducing Stator Voltage Control of Induction Motor, speed of a high-slip induction motor can be reduced by an amount which is sufficient for…

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