Voltage and Current Divider Rule

Voltage and Current Divider Rule: Voltage and Current Divider Rule is explained by two conditions, namely Voltage Division in Series Circuit of Resistors Current Division in Parallel Circuit of Resistors…

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Loop Matrix or Circuit Matrix

Loop Matrix or Circuit Matrix: For a given directed graph, it is always possible to state which branches are involved in the formation of loops or closed circuits or meshes.…

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Define Incidence Matrix

Define Incidence Matrix: Define Incidence Matrix consists of two parts, namely Complete Incidence Matrix Reduced Incidence Matrix Complete Incidence Matrix (Aa): Define Incidence Matrix is nothing but a mathematical model…

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Percentage Biased Differential Relay

Percentage Biased Differential Relay: Percentage Biased Differential Relay - In order to avoid undesirable operation on heavy external faults due to CT errors and ratio change as a result of…

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Op Amp Voltage Regulators

Op Amp Voltage Regulators: Voltage Follower Regulator - Refer once again to the Op Amp Voltage Regulators circuit in Fig. 17-11. The complete error amplifier has two input terminals at…

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Operational Amplifier Circuit Stability

Operational Amplifier Circuit Stability: Loop Gain and Loop Phase Shift - Consider the inverting amplifier circuit and waveforms in Fig. 15-­1(a). The signal voltage voltage (vs) is amplified by a…

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