Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Articles

Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Articles: This Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Articles which includes the following topics:   Features of 8085 Microprocessor 8085 Microprocessor Architecture and its Operations 8085 Pin Diagram Instruction Cycle…

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Instruction Cycle of 8085 Microprocessor

Instruction Cycle of 8085 Microprocessor: During normal operation, the microprocessor sequentially fetches, decodes and executes one instruction after another until a halt instruction (HLT) is executed. The fetching, decoding and…

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Timer: Timer is an instruction that waits a set amount of time before doing something. The different kinds of timers are available with different manufacturers. Most of the timers are:…

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Universal Counter Timer

Universal Counter Timer: All measurements of time period and frequency by various circuits can be assembled together to form one complete block, called a Universal Counter Timer. The universal counter…

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Monostable Multivibrator Using IC 555

Monostable Multivibrator Using IC 555: The IC 555 timer can be operated as a Monostable Multivibrator Using IC 555 by connecting an external resistor and a capacitor as shown in…

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555 Timer Circuit

555 Timer Circuit: The timer IC 555 Timer Circuit is most versatile linear integrated device introduced by Signetics corporation in early 1970. It is basically a monolithic timer circuit which…

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Integrated Circuits Articles

Integrated Circuits Articles: This Integrated Circuits Articles which includes the following topics: Integrated Circuit Definition Integrated Circuits Classification Basic Planar Process in IC Fabrication Vapour Phase Epitaxy Process Molecular Beam…

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