Methods of Circuit Analysis Articles

Methods of Circuit Analysis Articles: Methods of Circuit Analysis: A division of mathematics called topology or graph theory deals with graphs of networks and provides information that helps in the…

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Hartley Oscillator using Transistor Analysis

Hartley Oscillator using Transistor Analysis: The transistor Hartley oscillator is as popular as Colpitt's oscillator and is widely used as a local oscillator in radio receivers. The circuit arrangement is…

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Transfer Function of Two Port Network

Transfer Function of Two Port Network: For a one-port network, the driving point impedance or impedance of the network is defined as The reciprocal of the impedance function is the…

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Four Terminal Network Articles

Four Terminal Network Articles: Symmetrical Network in Network Analysis: A symmetrical network has two important properties as Characteristic impedance (Z0) Propagation constant (γ) The two networks having the same electrical…

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Two Port Network Articles

Two Port Network Articles: Terminal Pairs or Ports: A pair of terminals at which an electrical signal may enter or leave a network is called a port. The terminals or…

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