Voltage Surge or Transient Voltage

Voltage Surge or Transient Voltage: A sudden rise in voltage for a very short duration on the power system is known as a Voltage Surge or Transient Voltage. Transients or…

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PLC Hardware Components

PLC Hardware Components: 1. PLC Hardware Components - The input and output interface modules consists of an I/0 rack and individual I/O modules. Input interface modules, accept signals from the…

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DA Converter Working Principle

DA Converter Working Principle: The resistive divider or ladder can be used as the basis for a DA Converter Working Principle. It is in the resistive network that the actual…

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What is Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO)?

What is Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO)?: Digital Storage Oscilloscope are available in processing and non-processing types. Processing types include built in computing power, which takes advantage of the fact that…

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What is Shunt Compensation in Power System?

What is Shunt Compensation in Power System?: Shunt Compensation are connected in shunt at various system nodes (major substations) and sometimes at mid-point of lines. These serve the purposes of…

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