Voltage Control Interview Questions and Answers

Voltage Control Interview Questions and Answers: 1. Why is it necessary to keep the receiving-end voltage constant within specified limits ? Ans. For satisfactory operation of equipment/machinery supplied by the…

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Op Amp Regulators

Op Amp Regulators: The Op Amp Regulators which includes Op-Amp Series Voltage Regulator Circuit, Current Limiting circuit, Foldback Limiting and Op-Amp Shunt Voltage Regulator Circuit. Let us see one by…

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Important Questions of Voltage Control

Important Questions of Voltage Control: 1. Discuss the importance of voltage control in the modern power system. 2. What are the various methods of voltage control in a power system…

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IC Controller for Switching Regulators

IC Controller for Switching Regulators: The functional block diagram of a MC34063 integrated circuit controller is shown in Fig. 17-38. This IC is designed to be used as a variable…

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