Line Support

Line Support: The supporting structures for overhead line conductors are various types of poles and towers called line support. In general, the line supports should have the following properties :…

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Introduction to Overhead Line

Introduction to Overhead Line: Electric power can be transmitted or distributed either by means of underground  cables or by overhead line. The underground cables are rarely used for power transmission…

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Economic Choice of Transmission Voltages

Economic Choice of Transmission Voltages: It has been shown earlier here that if transmission voltage is increased, the volume of con­ductor material required is reduced. This decreases the expenditure on…

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Electric Supply System

Electric Supply System: The conveyance of electric power from a power station to consumers' premises is known as Electric Supply System. An electric supply system consists of three principal components…

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Turbocompressors: The turbocompressors and blowers in the industry require drives rated up to 40 MW. Drives of large rating are also required in steel industry blast furnace blowers in natural…

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Centrifugal Pump Load

Centrifugal Pump Load: Centrifugal Pump Load are used as boiler feed pumps and for pumping water in water pipe lines. The former must be adapted to the variable output of…

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