Load Flow Studies Articles

Load Flow Studies Articles: One Line Diagram of the 4 Bus System: A power system comprises several buses which are interconnected by means of transmission lines. Power is injected into…

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Automation Generation Articles

Automation Generation Articles: Turbo Generator Excitation System: Power system operation considered so far was under conditions of steady load. However, both active and reactive power demands are never steady and…

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Overvoltage Articles

Overvoltage Articles: Simpson Theory of Lightning: The factors that contribute to the formation or accumulation of charge in the clouds are too many and uncertain. But during thunderstorms, positive and…

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High Voltage Testing of Electrical Apparatus Articles

High Voltage Testing of Electrical Apparatus Articles: Classification of High Voltage Testing Methods: Classification of High Voltage Testing Methods are divided into two groups: Power Frequency Withstand Voltage Impulse withstand…

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High Voltage Introduction Articles

High Voltage Introduction Articles: Electric Field Stress: In modern times, high voltages are used for a wide variety of applications covering the power systems, industry, and research laboratories. Such applications…

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Generation of High Voltage and Currents Articles

Generation of High Voltage and Currents Articles: Different Types of High Voltages: In the fields of electrical engineering and applied physics, Different Types of High Voltages (d.c., a.c,, and impulse)…

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Transformers Articles

Transformers Articles: How does a Transformer Work and Purpose of Transformer: How does a Transformer Work – A Transformer Circuit is a static device comprising coils coupled through a magnetic…

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Synchronous Machine Articles

Synchronous Machine Articles: What is Synchronous Motor | Construction | Advantages: A synchronous Motor is one of the important types of electric machines; in fact all generating machines at power…

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