Characteristics of Regulated Power Supply

Characteristics of Regulated Power Supply: The quality of power supply depends on different factors such as its load voltage, load current, voltage regulation, source regulation, output impedance, ripple rejection etc.…

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Regulated and Unregulated Power Supply

Regulated and Unregulated Power Supply: Almost all electronic devices used in electronic circuits need a dc source of power to operate. The source of dc power is used to establish…

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TTL Characteristics and other TTL Series

TTL Characteristics and other TTL Series: The first time standard TTL ICs were introduced by Taxas Instruments Corporation. They introduced 54 and 74 series, which were widely used as IC…

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What is a Digital Integrated Circuit?

What is a Digital Integrated Circuit? In an integrated circuit, components such as diodes, transistors, resistors, inductors etc. are integral parts of the chip. And on surface of this chip,…

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Experimental Determination of Hybrid Parameters

Experimental Determination of Hybrid Parameters: Determination of hybrid parameters of a general linear circuit has already been discussed. For determination of hybrid parameters for a CE transistor, consider the circuits…

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