Amplifier Testing

Amplifier Testing: Preparation - Transistor Amplifier Testing and other circuits should be tested in a methodical fashion; otherwise the results obtained may be useless. The circuit should first be carefully…

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Capacitor Coupled Common Base Amplifier

Capacitor Coupled Common Base Amplifier: A practical Capacitor Coupled Common Base Amplifier (using a plus/minus supply) is shown in Fig. 12-39. [Note the polarity of the input coupling capacitor (C1).]…

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BIFET Amplifier

BIFET Amplifier: BJT-FET Considerations : Two-stage BJT circuits usually have relatively low input impedances. To increase Zi, a field effect transistor may be used as the first stage. Circuits which…

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Direct Coupled Circuits

Direct Coupled Circuits: For economy, the number of components used in any circuit should be kept to a minimum. The use of direct coupling between stages is one way of…

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