Squelch Circuit

Squelch Circuit: Squelch (muting): When no carrier is present at the input, i.e., in the absence of transmissions on a given channel or between stations, a sensitive receiver will produce a…

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Delayed Automatic Gain Control

Delayed Automatic Gain Control: Delayed Automatic Gain Control: Simple AGC is clearly an improvement on no AGC at all, in that the gain of the receiver is reduced for strong…

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Generation of Frequency Modulation

Generation of Frequency Modulation: The Generation of Frequency Modulation system is a variable output frequency, with the variation proportional to the instantaneous amplitude of the modulating voltage. The subsidiary requirements…

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Define Suppression of Carrier

Define Suppression of Carrier: Three main systems are employed for the generation of SSB; the filter method, the phase cancellation method and the "third method." They differ from one another…

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Noise Figure in Communication System

Noise Figure in Communication System: The Noise Figure in Communication System are namely, 1.Signal to Noise Ratio: The calculation of the equivalent noise resistance of an amplifier, receiver or device may…

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Internal Noise in Communication System

Internal Noise in Communication System: Under the heading of Internal Noise in Communication System, we discuss noise created by any of the active or passive devices found in receivers. Such…

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