Diode Failure Modes and Causes

Diode Failure Modes and Causes: We would certainly like for solid-state components to be 100% reliable but this is unfortunately not true. All solid-state devices have a certain probability of…

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Metal Semiconductor Junctions

Metal Semiconductor Junctions: Metal semiconductor junctions are very common in all semiconductor devices and are very important. Depending upon the doping concentration, materials, and the characteristics of the interface, the…

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Explain Conductivity of Metals

Explain Conductivity of Metals: Conductivity of Metals - Consider a conductor of length l metres and cross-sectional area A square metres, as shown in Fig. 6.27. Let the number of…

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What is Intrinsic Semiconductor?

What is Intrinsic Semiconductor? An intrinsic semiconductor is one which is made of the semiconductor material in its extremely pure form. A semiconductor is not truly intrinsic unless its impurity…

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Elemental Semiconductor Materials

Elemental Semiconductor Materials: Group IV includes five elements viz., Carbon (C), Silicon (Si), Germanium (Ge), Tin (Sn) and lead (Pb). The elements of this subgroup show marked similarity as well…

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Thyratron Working Principle

Thyratron Working Principle: Thyratron is a hot cathode gas filled triode. Normally it is filled with a small amount of inert gas such as argon, hydrogen, neon or mercury vapour.…

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Construction of Phanotron

Construction of Phanotron: The constriction of a gas-filled diode or phanotron is similar to a vacuum diode except that the size of its electrodes is larger so as to conduct…

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