Protection of Transformers

Protection of Transformers: Transformers are static devices, totally enclosed and generally oil immersed. Therefore, chances of faults occurring on them are very rare. However, the consequences of even a rare…

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Analysis of Unsymmetrical Faults

Analysis of Unsymmetrical Faults: In the Analysis of Unsymmetrical Faults, the following assumptions will be made : The generated e.m.f. system is of positive sequence only. No current flows in…

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Location of Reactors in Power System

Location of Reactors in Power System: Short circuit current limiting Location of Reactors in Power System may be con­nected in series with each generator in series with each feeder and…

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Short Circuit in Power System

Short Circuit in Power System: Whenever a fault occurs on a network such that a large current flows in one or more phases, a Short Circuit in Power System is…

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Voltage Control Method in Power System

Voltage Control Method in Power System: In a modern power system, electrical energy from the generating station is delivered to the ultimate consumers through a network of transmission and distribution.…

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Ring Distributor

Ring Distributor: A distributor arranged to form a closed loop and fed at one or more points is called a ring distributor. Such a distributor starts from one point, makes a…

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Requirements of a Distribution System

Requirements of a Distribution System: A considerable amount of effort is necessary to maintain an electric power supply within the requirements of various types of consumers. Some of the good…

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Electric Power Distribution System

Electric Power Distribution System: Electric Power Distribution System states that part of power system which distributes elec­tric power for local use is known as distribution system. The electrical energy produced…

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