Optical Fiber Classification

Optical Fiber Classification: The Optical Fiber Classification of light transmission through a glass fiber depend on many factors, for example: The composition of the fiber The amount and type of…

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Construction of Optical Fiber Cable

Construction of Optical Fiber Cable: The manufacture and Construction of Optical Fiber Cable are somewhat complicated: In simple terms, a highly refined quartz tube that will eventually be filled with…

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Light Wave Spectrum

Light Wave Spectrum: Light Wave Spectrum - In everyday terms, light can be defined as the pail of the visible spectrum that has a wavelength range between 0.4 μm (micrometer)…

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Color Picture Tube Working

Color Picture Tube Working: A Color Picture Tube Working requires correct sweep currents, input voltages and drive voltages. Having said this very quickly, it is now a good idea to…

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Vertical Deflection Circuit in TV

Vertical Deflection Circuit in TV: The Vertical Deflection Circuit in TV include the vertical oscillator and amplifier for vertical scanning at 60 Hz and a similar horizontal arrangement for scanning…

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Monochrome Television Receiver Block Diagram

Monochrome Television Receiver Block Diagram: Monochrome Television Receiver Block Diagram as shown in Figure 17-9, TV receivers use the superheterodyne principle. There is extensive pulse circuitry, to ensure that the…

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CW Doppler Radar Block Diagram

CW Doppler Radar Block Diagram: A simple CW Doppler Radar Block Diagram, such as the one shown in Figure 16-14, sends out continuous sine waves rather than pulses. It uses…

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Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave Radar

Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave Radar: The greatest limitation of Doppler radar, i.e., its inability to measure range, may be overcome if the transmitted carrier is Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave Radar.…

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