Transducers Interview Questions and Answers

Transducers Interview Questions and Answers: 1. Explain in brief the term transducer. Ans. Basically transducer is defined as a device which converts energy or information from one form to another. These…

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Difference between LED and Laser Diode

Difference between LED and Laser Diode: The Difference between LED and Laser Diode is given below: As already mentioned LASER is the shortened form of light amplification by stimulated emission…

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What is Optoelectronic Devices?

What is Optoelectronic Devices? Optoelectronics is the technology that combines optics and electronics and the devices based on this technology are known as optoelectronic devices. These devices include emitters, sensors…

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Bus Interface in Microprocessor

Bus Interface in Microprocessor: Bus Interface in Microprocessor - A microcomputer consists of a set of components such as CPU, memory, I/O device and these components communicate with each other…

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Circuit Breaker Analyzer

Circuit Breaker Analyzer: Short Circuit Generator: This is of a special design having very low reactance in order to give the maximum short-circuit output of the Circuit Breaker Analyzer. The…

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