Voltage Control Interview Questions and Answers

Voltage Control Interview Questions and Answers: 1. Why is it necessary to keep the receiving-end voltage constant within specified limits ? Ans. For satisfactory operation of equipment/machinery supplied by the…

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Current to Voltage Converter Circuit

Current to Voltage Converter Circuit: A device that produces a voltage proportional to input signal current is called a Current to Voltage Converter Circuit. The circuit arrangement is shown in…

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Voltage to Current Converter Circuit

Voltage to Current Converter Circuit: Occasionally in industrial electronics, it is necessary to provide a current proportional to certain voltage, even though the load impedance may vary. A circuit which…

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RC High Pass Circuit as Differentiator

RC High Pass Circuit as Differentiator: RC High Pass Circuit as Differentiator - A circuit that gives an output voltage proportional to the deriva­tive of its input, is known as…

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Voltage Level Translator (Level Shifter)

Voltage Level Translator (Level Shifter): Voltage Level Translator (Level Shifter) is usually an emitter follower circuit which is used to shift the dc level at the output of the intermediate…

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Emitter Follower at High Frequencies

Emitter Follower at High Frequencies: Emitter Follower at High Frequencies circuit is given in Fig. 19.48(a). A capacitance CL is included across the load because the emitter follower is often…

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