Vertical Deflection Circuit in TV

Vertical Deflection Circuit in TV: The Vertical Deflection Circuit in TV include the vertical oscillator and amplifier for vertical scanning at 60 Hz and a similar horizontal arrangement for scanning…

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Characteristics of Data Transmission Circuits

Characteristics of Data Transmission Circuits: Bandwidth Requirements - Characteristics of Data Transmission Circuits is the most instances consists of pulse-type energy. The data stream is similar to a square-wave signal…

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Microwave Tubes and Circuits Articles

Microwave Tubes and Circuits Articles: Triode Equivalent Circuit: As frequency is raised, vacuum tubes suffer from two general kinds of problems. The first is concerned with interelectrode capacitances and inductances,…

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Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Waves

Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Waves: Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Waves are energy propagated through free space at the velocity of light, which is approximately 300 meters per microsecond. As the object travelled downward,…

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Electromagnetic Interference

Electromagnetic Interference: To control ON/OFF operation of ac devices we can use electromagnetic relay. This relay has both normally open and closed contacts. When a current is passed through the…

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Magnetic Type Potential Transformer

Magnetic Type Potential Transformer: Magnetic Type Potential Transformer are the oldest devices for a.c, measurements. They are simple in construction and can be designed for any voltage. For very high…

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