Series Impedance Voltmeter

Series Impedance Voltmeter: For power frequency a.c. measurements the Series Impedance Voltmeter may be a pure resistance or a reactance. Since resistances involve power losses, often a capacitor is preferred…

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AC Field Strength Meter

AC Field Strength Meter: AC Field Strength Meter is usually measured by introducing a small fixed capacitance probe into the field area and measuring the induced charge on it. Since…

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DC Electric Field Strength Meter

DC Electric Field Strength Meter: The DC Electric Field Strength Meter strength E can be measured by using (i) variable capacitor probe or generating voltmeter or (ii) a vibrating plate…

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Generating Voltmeter Principle and Construction

Generating Voltmeter Principle and Construction: High voltage measuring devices employ generating principle when source loading is prohibited (as with Van de Graaff generators, etc.) or when direct connection to the…

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Series Resistance Microammeter

Series Resistance Microammeter: High d.c. voltages are usually measured by connecting a very high resistance (few hundreds of megaohms) in Series Resistance Microammeter as shown in Fig. 7.1. Only the…

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Heat Capacity of Calorimeter

Heat Capacity of Calorimeter: Heat Capacity of Calorimeter - RF power may be directly converted into heat. Water acts as the load, and RF power may be used to heat…

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Bolometer: Bolometric measurements are based on the dissipation of RF power in a small temperature sensitive resistive element, called a Bolometer. This bolometer may be a short ultra thin wire…

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RF UHF field strength meter circuit

RF UHF field strength meter circuit: There are two general methods available for determination of RF UHF field strength meter circuit. One is the standard antenna method. In this, use…

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