Experimental Determination of Hybrid Parameters

Experimental Determination of Hybrid Parameters: Determination of hybrid parameters of a general linear circuit has already been discussed. For determination of hybrid parameters for a CE transistor, consider the circuits…

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Bus Interface in Microprocessor

Bus Interface in Microprocessor: Bus Interface in Microprocessor - A microcomputer consists of a set of components such as CPU, memory, I/O device and these components communicate with each other…

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Amplifier Testing

Amplifier Testing: Preparation - Transistor Amplifier Testing and other circuits should be tested in a methodical fashion; otherwise the results obtained may be useless. The circuit should first be carefully…

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FET Amplification

FET Amplification: Consider the n-channel FET Amplification circuit in Fig. 9-26. Note that drain-source terminals are provided with a dc supply (VDD), connected via the drain resistor (R1). The gate-source…

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Audio Amplifier Frequency Response

Audio Amplifier Frequency Response: The Audio Amplifier Frequency Response is essential for filters, couplings circuits, amplifier stages and overall audio circuits. An amplifier stage is used as an example. A…

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Nonlinear Distortion Measurements

Nonlinear Distortion Measurements: One of the methods of Nonlinear Distortion Measurements consists of simulta­neously applying two sinusoidal voltages of different frequencies to the amplifier input and observing the sum, difference…

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RF UHF field strength meter circuit

RF UHF field strength meter circuit: There are two general methods available for determination of RF UHF field strength meter circuit. One is the standard antenna method. In this, use…

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Q Meter

Q Meter: The overall efficiency of coils and capacitors intended for RF applications is best evaluated using the Q value. The Q Meter is used to measure some electrical properties…

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