Transmission Line Overvoltage Protection

Transmission Line Overvoltage Protection: Transmission Line Overvoltage Protection against natural or lightning overvoltages and minimizing the lightning overvoltages are done by suitable line designs, providing guard and ground wires, and…

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Distribution System Connection

Distribution System Connection: All Distribution System Connection of electrical energy is done by constant voltage system. In practice, the following distribution circuits are generally used 1.Radial System: In this system,…

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AC Distribution System

AC Distribution System: Now-a-days electrical energy is generated, transmitted and distributed in the form of alternating current. One important reason for the widespread use of alternating current in preference to…

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Underground Cables

Underground Cables: Electric power can be transmitted or distributed either by overhead system or by underground cables. The underground cables have several advantages such as less liable to damage through storms…

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Power Factor Improvement

Power Factor Improvement: The low power factor is mainly due to the fact that most of the power loads are inductive and, therefore, take lagging currents. In order for Power…

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Influence of Static Protective Relays

Influence of Static Protective Relays: Influence of Static Protective Relays on the associated equipment like current transformers, voltage transformers, etc,. Let us discuss one by one. Current Transformers: Burdens on…

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Principles of Power System Articles

Principles of Power System Articles: This Principles of Power System Articles which includes the following topics: Electrical Energy Definition Different Types of Energy Sources Unit of Energy Energy Efficiency Definition…

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