Digital Communications Articles

Digital Communications Articles: Digital Fundamentals: The meaning of the term “digital” is fundamental to an understanding of the benefits of digital technology. Digital Fundamentals data must be compared with analog…

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Digital Electronics Basics

Digital Electronics Basics: Digital devices are based on Digital Electronics Basics circuits which can represent two states, ON or OFF. The ability to design integrated circuits consisting of thousands of…

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Semiconductor Microwave Devices Articles

Semiconductor Microwave Devices Articles: Trapatt Diode Construction and Working: The Trapatt Diode Construction and Working is derived from and closely related to the IMPATT diode. Indeed, as pointed out near…

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Tunnel Diode Applications

Tunnel Diode Applications: In all its Tunnel Diode Applications, the tunnel diode should be loosely coupled to its tuned circuit. With lumped components, this is done by means of a…

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Negative Resistance Amplifier

Negative Resistance Amplifier: The classical application of the tunnel diode was in microwave oscillators, especially after it was realized that the secret of stable oscillations lay in loosely coupling the…

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Parametric Amplifier

Parametric Amplifier: The parametric amplifier uses a device whose reactance is varied in such a manner that amplification results. It is low-noise because no resistance need be involved in the…

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Frequency Multiplier Circuit

Frequency Multiplier Circuit: A typical Frequency Multiplier Circuit chain is shown in Figure 12-11, The first stage is a transistor crystal oscillator, operating in the VHF region, and this is…

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Varactor Diode Operation and Characteristics

Varactor Diode Operation and Characteristics: Varactor Diode Operation and Characteristics were first used in the early 1950s as simple voltage-variable capacitance and later for frequency modulation of oscillators. They thus…

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