Measurements of Thickness using Beta Gauge

Measurements of Thickness using Beta Gauge: Beta Gauge - A common and characteristic feature of a radioactive element is that they disintegrate spontaneously to produce fresh radioactive elements called daughter…

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What is a Temperature Transducer?

What is a Temperature Transducer?: Temperature Transducer is one of the most widely measured and controlled variable in industry, as a lot of products during manufacturing requires controlled temperature at…

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Differential Output Transducer

Differential Output Transducer: The Differential Output Transducer consists of a coil which is divided into two parts, as shown in Figs. 13.17(a) and (b). (Inductive transducers using self inductance as…

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Strip Chart Recorder Application

Strip Chart Recorder Application: The following are some of the thousands of Strip Chart Recorder Application for recorders in industry. 1. Temperature Recording: A strip chart recorder may be used…

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Potentiometric Recorder Working Principle (Multipoint)

Potentiometric Recorder Working Principle (Multipoint): Potentiometric Recorder Working Principle - The thermocouple or millivolt signal is amplified by a non-inverting MOSFET, chopper stabilized, feedback amplifier. This configuration has a very…

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XY Recorder Working

XY Recorder Working: XY Recorder Working - In most research fields, it is often convenient to plot the instantaneous relationship between two variables [Y = f(x)], rather than to plot…

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Galvanometer Type Recorder

Galvanometer Type Recorder: The D'Arsonval movement used in moving coil indicating instruments can also provide the movement in a Galvanometer Type Recorder. The D'Arsonval movement consists of a moving coil…

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Vector Impedance Meter (Direct Reading)

Vector Impedance Meter (Direct Reading): If some knowledge of the reactive and resistive factors is needed, in addition to obtaining a direct reading of the magnitude of the impedance (Z),…

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