Op Amp Regulators

Op Amp Regulators: The Op Amp Regulators which includes Op-Amp Series Voltage Regulator Circuit, Current Limiting circuit, Foldback Limiting and Op-Amp Shunt Voltage Regulator Circuit. Let us see one by…

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Regulated and Unregulated Power Supply

Regulated and Unregulated Power Supply: Almost all electronic devices used in electronic circuits need a dc source of power to operate. The source of dc power is used to establish…

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What is a Digital Integrated Circuit?

What is a Digital Integrated Circuit? In an integrated circuit, components such as diodes, transistors, resistors, inductors etc. are integral parts of the chip. And on surface of this chip,…

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Display of Electrical signals by Oscilloscope

Display of Electrical signals by Oscilloscope: The are two basic ways of display of Electrical signals by Oscilloscope—the X-Y mode and the triggered-sweep mode. The X-Y mode displays the graph…

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Ebers Moll Model for PNP Transistor

Ebers Moll Model for PNP Transistor: Device modelling aims at relating physical device parameters to device terminal characteristics. Device modelling is especially important for integrated circuits, since simple and accurate…

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