Transmission Lines Articles

Transmission Lines Articles: Fundamentals of Transmission Lines: Fundamentals of Transmission Lines (in the context of this book) are considered to be impedance-matching circuits designed to deliver power (RF) from the…

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Extraterrestrial Communications

Extraterrestrial Communications: Extraterrestrial Communications : The most recent, and by far the fastest-growing, field of communications involves the use of various satellite relays, of which the first was launched in…

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Uses of Ground Wave Propagation

Uses of Ground Wave Propagation: Uses of Ground Wave Propagation along the surface of the earth and, as previously mentioned, must be vertically polarised to prevent short circuiting the electric…

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Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Waves

Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Waves: Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Waves are energy propagated through free space at the velocity of light, which is approximately 300 meters per microsecond. As the object travelled downward,…

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Choke Balun

Choke Balun: A Choke Balun, or balance-to-unbalance transformer, is a circuit element used to connect a balanced line to an unbalanced line or antenna. Or, as is perhaps a little…

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Double Stub Matching

Double Stub Matching: If a transmission-line matching device is to be useful in a range of different matching situations, it must have as many variable parameters, or degrees of freedom,…

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Losses in Transmission Lines

Losses in Transmission Lines: Types of Losses in Transmission Lines are three ways in which energy, applied to a transmission line, may become dissipated before reaching the load: radiation, conductor…

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Fundamentals of Transmission Lines

Fundamentals of Transmission Lines: Fundamentals of Transmission Lines (in the context of this book) are considered to be impedance-matching circuits designed to deliver power (RF) from the transmitter to the antenna,…

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