Strain Gauge Factor Derivation

Strain Gauge Factor Derivation: The Strain Gauge Factor Derivation is an example of a passive transducer that uses the variation in electrical resistance in wires to sense the strain produced…

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Various Factors of Frequency Effect on Calibration

Various Factors of Frequency Effect on Calibration: The Various Factors of Frequency Effect on Calibration such as: Skin effect Non uniform distribution of current along the heater wires Spurious capacitive…

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Types of Facts Controllers in Power System

Types of Facts Controllers in Power System: The development of FACTS controllers has followed two different approaches. The first approach employs reactive impedances or a tap changing transformer with thyristor…

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Sensitivity Factor in Power System

Sensitivity Factor in Power System: A security analysis program is run in a load dispatch centre very quickly to help the operators. This can be attempted by carrying out an…

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Capacitance of Two Wire Line

Capacitance of Two Wire Line: Consider a Capacitance of Two Wire Line shown in Fig. 3.3 excited from a single-phase source. The Capacitance of Two Wire Line develops equal and…

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Compensating Winding in DC Machine

Compensating Winding in DC Machine: Compensating Winding in DC Machine - It was seen from earlier section, that armature reaction causes the flux density wave to be so badly distorted…

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Armature Reaction in DC Machine

Armature Reaction in DC Machine: When the armature of a dc machine carries current, the distributed armature winding produces its own mmf (distributed) known as armature reaction in DC Machine.…

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