Difference Between Thyristor and Transistor

Difference Between Thyristor and Transistor: As already mentioned, transistors and thyristors are both semiconductor devices. They are now widely employed in switching operations because of their numerous advantages such as…

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Luminescence – Definition and Types

Luminescence - Definition and Types: When a system absorbs energy in some form or other, it may be partly re-emitted as radiation. This phenomenon is called luminescence. Luminescence may occur…

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What is Real Diode?

What is Real Diode? As already mentioned, an actual diode neither behaves as a perfect conductor when forward biased nor as a perfect insulator when reverse biased. When a diode…

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Junction Field Effect Transistor Theory

Junction Field Effect Transistor Theory: n-Channel JFET - The operating principle of an n-channel Junction Field Effect Transistor Theory (JFET) is illustrated by the block representation in Fig. 9-1(a). A…

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