Classification of Power Amplifiers

Classification of Power Amplifiers: Classification of Power Amplifiers are primarily divided into two categories viz. audio power amplifiers and radio power amplifiers. Audio power amplifiers, also called the small signal…

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Step Response of an Amplifier

Step Response of an Amplifier: An alternative criterion of amplifier fidelity is the response of the amplifier to a particular input waveform. Of all possible available waveforms, the most generally…

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Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS)

Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS): With active load switching, the current drain with a low output is approximately equal to ID(sat). This may cause a problem with battery operated equipment.…

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Types of Sampling Techniques

Types of Sampling Techniques: Basically there are three types of sampling techniques : (i) Instantaneous sampling, (ii) Natural sampling and (iii) Flat-top sampling. Out of these three types of sampling…

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Digital Modulation Techniques

Digital Modulation Techniques: An information bearing signal can be transmitted from one point to another point over a communication channel by using either an analog technique or digital modulation techniques.…

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