Frequency Modulation Recording

Frequency Modulation Recording: When a more accurate response to dc voltages is required, an Frequency Modulation Recording system is generally used. In this FM system, the input signal is used…

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Spectrum Analyzer Block Diagram

Spectrum Analyzer Block Diagram: Spectrum Analyzer Block Diagram - The most common way of observing signals is to display them on an oscilloscope, with time as the X-axis (i.e. amplitude…

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Fibre Optic CRT Recording Oscilloscope

Fibre Optic CRT Recording Oscilloscope: Fibre Optic CRT Recording Oscilloscope - The familiar CRT oscilloscope has an extremely HF response, but permanent records, normally photography of the screen, cannot be…

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Oscilloscope as a Bridge Null Detector

Oscilloscope as a Bridge Null Detector: As a null detector for an ac bridge, the oscilloscope, unlike a meter used for the purpose, gives separate indications for reactive and resistive…

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Digital Readout Oscilloscope

Digital Readout Oscilloscope: The Digital Readout Oscilloscope instrument has a CRT display and a counter display. The diagram shown is of an instrument where the counter measures the time (Fig.…

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What is Sampling Oscilloscope?

What is Sampling Oscilloscope?: An ordinary Sampling Oscilloscope has a B.W. of 10 MHz. The HF performance can be improved by means of sampling the input waveform and reconstructing its…

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Horizontal Deflection System in CRO

Horizontal Deflection System in CRO: The Horizontal Deflection System in CRO consist of a Time Base Generator and an output amplifier. Sweep or Time Base Generator: A continuous sweep CRO…

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