8257 DMA Controller

8257 DMA Controller: In microprocessor based systems data transfer can be controlled by either software or hardware. Upto this point we have used program instructions to transfer data from I/O…

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8096 Microprocessor Functional Units

8096 Microprocessor Functional Units: Table 13.2 shows the list of major I/O functions provided by various 8096 Microprocessor Functional Units. Timers: The 8096 Microprocessor Functional Units has two 16 bit…

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Arithmetic Instructions in 8051

Arithmetic Instructions in 8051: The Arithmetic Instructions in 8051 of Basic Assembly Language Programming are ADD, ADDC, SUBB and DA The ADD instruction adds a byte variable with the accumulator,…

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Motorola 68000 Instruction Set

Motorola 68000 Instruction Set: There are actually 56 basic instructions provided in the Motorola 68000 Instruction Set. With 14 addressing modes, 56 instructions, and 5 data types, the 68000 includes…

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Motorola 68000 Pins and Signals

Motorola 68000 Pins and Signals: Fig. 11.3 illustrates the Motorola 68000 Pins and Signals. Data Transfer Control and Address Lines: D0-D15 is the bi-directional 16-bit data bus. A1-A23 is the output…

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Memory Addressing Modes of 8086

Memory Addressing Modes of 8086: Most of the memory ICs are byte oriented i.e. each memory location can store only one byte of data. The 8086 is a 16-bit microprocessor,…

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