Thermocouple Connection

Thermocouple Connection: One of the most commonly used methods of measurement of moderately high temperature is the thermocouple effect. When a pair of wires made up of different metals is…

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Platinum Resistance Thermometer

Platinum Resistance Thermometer: Platinum Resistance Thermometer - The resistance of a conductor changes when its temperature is changed. This property is used for measurement of temperature. The Resistance Thermometer uses…

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Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD)

Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD): Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) commonly use platinum, nickel or any resistance wire whose resistance varies with temperature and which has a high intrinsic accuracy. They are…

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Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT)

Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT): The differential transformer is a passive inductive transformer. It is also known as a Linear Variable Differential Transformer  (LVDT). The basic construction is as shown…

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Thermistor Working Principle

Thermistor Working Principle: Thermistor Working Principle - The electrical resistance of most materials changes with temperature. By selecting materials that are very temperature sensitive, devices that are useful in temperature…

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Resistance Thermometer Working Principle

Resistance Thermometer Working Principle: The resistance of a conductor changes when its temperature is changed. This property is utilized for the measurement of temperature. The Resistance Thermometer working principle is…

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Strain Gauge Factor Derivation

Strain Gauge Factor Derivation: The Strain Gauge Factor Derivation is an example of a passive transducer that uses the variation in electrical resistance in wires to sense the strain produced…

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Frequency Modulation Recording

Frequency Modulation Recording: When a more accurate response to dc voltages is required, an Frequency Modulation Recording system is generally used. In this FM system, the input signal is used…

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