Video Test Pattern Generator

Video Test Pattern Generator: A pattern generator provides video signals directly, and with RF modulation, on standard TV channels for alignment, testing and servicing of TV receivers. The output signal…

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AF Sine and Square Wave Generator

AF Sine and Square Wave Generator: The block diagram of an AF Sine and Square Wave Generator audio oscillator is illustrated in Fig. 8.4. The signal generator is called an…

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Oscilloscope Operating Precautions

Oscilloscope Operating Precautions: In addition to the general safety precautions, the following specific precautions should be observed when operating any type of oscilloscope. Most of the Oscilloscope Operating Precautions also…

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Attenuators: Attenuators are designed to change the magnitude of the input signal seen at the input stage, while presenting a constant impedance on all ranges at the attenuator input. A…

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Setup for Diode Testing in Oscilloscope

Setup for Diode Testing in Oscilloscope: Diode Testing in Oscilloscope -The voltage-current characteristics curve of a crystal diode may be observed using the circuit given in Fig. 7.37 (a). In…

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Delay Line in Triggered Sweep Circuit

Delay Line in Triggered Sweep Circuit: Figure 7.13 shows a Delay Line in Triggered Sweep Circuit. Figure 7.14 indicates the amplitude of the signal wrt time and the relative position…

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