Three Phase Balanced Circuit

Three Phase Balanced Circuit: The analysis of Three Phase Balanced Circuit is presented in this section. It is no way different from the analysis of AC systems in general. The…

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3 Phase Delta Connection

3 Phase Delta Connection: Delta Connected System - Figure 9.26 shows a balanced three-phase, three-wire, delta-connected system. This arrangement is referred to as mesh connection because it forms a closed…

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3 Phase Star Connection

Voltage, Current and Power in 3 Phase Star Connection: 3 Phase Star Connection - Figure 9.21 shows a balanced three-phase, Y-connected system. The voltage induced in each winding is called…

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Bandwidth of RLC Circuit

Bandwidth of RLC Circuit: The bandwidth of any system is the range of frequencies for which the current or output voltage is equal to 70.7% of its value at the…

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The Sine Wave

The Sine Wave: Many a time, alternating voltages and currents are represented by a sinusoidal wave, or simply a sinusoid. It is a very common type of alternating, current (ac)…

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Attenuators in Network Analysis

Attenuators in Network Analysis: In various transmission equipments, it is many times required to supress or reduce the levels of the currents and voltages at certain points. To fulfill the…

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Magnitude Plot and Phase Angle Plot

Magnitude Plot and Phase Angle Plot: Magnitude Plot and Phase Angle Plot - As mentioned earlier, the polar coordinate system is very commonly used to obtain the frequency response. The…

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