Measurement of Electrical Quantities

Measurement of Electrical Quantities: Measurement of electrical quantities which includes Measurement of Voltage Measurement of Current Frequency Measurement Phase-Angle Measurement Power-Factor Measurement Impedance Measurement VA Measurement Power Measurement VAR Measurement…

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EEEGUIDE | Online Electrical and Electronics Learning Site

EEEGUIDE.COM - Online Electrical and Electronics Learning Site This Online Electrical and Electronics Learning Site covers electrical and electronics fundamentals and advanced articles, electrical and electronics learning pdf notes, electrical…

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Electrical Drive Systems

Electrical Drive Systems: Each Electrical Drive Systems is different from other Electrical Drive Systems. However, there are some common features associated with all Electrical Drive Systems. To understand them it…

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Use of Efficient Semiconductor Converters

Use of Efficient Semiconductor Converters: Prior to development of Use of Efficient Semiconductor Converters, inefficient power modulators were employed in several applications. While replacement of these power modulators by the…

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Pulsed Radar System Block Diagram

Pulsed Radar System Block Diagram: A very Pulsed Radar System Block Diagram set was shown in Figure 16-1. A more detailed block diagram will now be given, and it will…

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Parametric Amplifier

Parametric Amplifier: The parametric amplifier uses a device whose reactance is varied in such a manner that amplification results. It is low-noise because no resistance need be involved in the…

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Internal Noise in Communication System

Internal Noise in Communication System: Under the heading of Internal Noise in Communication System, we discuss noise created by any of the active or passive devices found in receivers. Such…

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