Ladder Type Converter D/A

Ladder Type Converter D/A: Looking into any load from the left side we always see a resistor R. Similarly looking from the right side for any load, one always sees…

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Negative Feedback Op Amp

Negative Feedback Op Amp: Negative Feedback Op Amp - The Inverting Amplifier configuration is shown in Fig. 14.8. The input signal is applied to the inverting terminal. The amplified inverted…

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Video Test Pattern Generator

Video Test Pattern Generator: A pattern generator provides video signals directly, and with RF modulation, on standard TV channels for alignment, testing and servicing of TV receivers. The output signal…

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Digital Capacitance Meter Block Diagram

Digital Capacitance Meter Block Diagram: Digital Capacitance Meter - Since the capacitance is linearly proportional to the time constant, when a capacitor is charged by a constant current source and…

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Digital Measurement of Time

Digital Measurement of Time: Principle of Operation of Digital Measurement of Time - The beginning of the time period is the start pulse originating from input 1, and the end…

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Energy Conservation Methods

Energy Conservation Methods: Energy Conservation Methods is the cheapest new source of energy. We should resort to various conservation measures such as cogeneration (discussed earlier), and use energy efficient motors…

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