CT Scan Working Principle

CT Scan Working Principle: CT Scan Working Principle - Biomedicine is one area in which the use of digital signal processing techniques had had great impact. Computer tomography A recent…

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Modern Radar Systems Analysis

Modern Radar Systems Analysis: Modern Radar System are of great importance for both military and civil applications. The main problem of a typical radar system is the detection of return…

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IIR Filter Design

IIR Filter Design 1-D: In this section some practical considerations relating to the methods for the design of IIR Filter Design filters are presented. In particular, the bilinear transform is…

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Fast Fourier Transform Formula

Fast Fourier Transform Formula: The Fast Fourier Transform Formula is a computational tool which facilitates signal analysis, such as power spectrum analysis and filter simulation using digital computers. In digital…

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Introduction to Digital Filtering

Introduction to Digital Filtering: It has been seen that control of the band width of a circuit or signal is of paramount importance in optimizing the measurement of a signal.…

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Types of Active Filters

Types of Active Filters: There are basically four useful Types of Active Filters. Namely Butterworth Filter Chebyschev Filter Bessel Filter Elliptic Filter Butterworth Filter: The Butterworth filter has an essentially…

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Band Pass Filter Circuit Diagram

Band Pass Filter Circuit Diagram: A Band Pass Filter Circuit Diagram designed to pass signals only in a certain band of frequencies while rejecting all signals outside this band. There…

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What are Passive Filters?

What are Passive Filters?: Passive filters are mainly networks using inductors, capacitors and resistors. The classical theory employed was based on the image parameter theory which in turn was based…

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