Stepper Motor Interface

Stepper Motor Interface: A stepper motor is a digital motor. It can be driven by digital signal. Fig. 15.18 shows the typical 2 phase Stepper Motor Interface using 8255. Motor…

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Sample and Hold Circuit

Sample and Hold Circuit: Four basic sample and hold circuit are shown in Fig. 14.141. In these circuits a JFET is used as switch. During the sampling time the JFET…

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DAC0830 Digital to Analog Converter

DAC0830 Digital to Analog Converter: The DAC0830 Digital to Analog Converter is an advanced CMOS 8-bit DAC designed to interface directly with the 8080, 8048, 8085, Z80, and other popular…

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Voltage Control in Power System Articles

Voltage Control in Power System Articles: Voltage Control Method in Power System: In a modern power system, electrical energy from the generating station is delivered to the ultimate consumers through…

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Underground Cables in Power System Articles

Underground Cables in Power System Articles: Underground Cables: Electric power can be transmitted or distributed either by overhead system or by underground cables. The underground cables have several advantages such…

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Performance of Transmission Lines Articles

Performance of Transmission Lines Articles: Classification of Overhead Transmission Lines: The important considerations in the design, operation and Classification of Overhead Transmission Lines are the determination of voltage drop, line…

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Neutral Grounding in Power System Articles

Neutral Grounding in Power System Articles: Grounding or Earthing: The process of connecting the metallic frame (i.e. non-current carrying part) of electrical equipment or some electrical part of the system…

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Electrical Design of Overhead Lines Articles

Electrical Design of Overhead Lines Articles: Constants of a Transmission Line: A transmission line has resistance, inductance and capacitance uniformly distributed along the whole length of the line. Before we…

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