IC 7109 Features

IC 7109 Features: The IC 7109 Features are namely, IC 7109 is a 12-bit dual slope A/D converter. It has polarity and overrange bits. It has byte organized TTL compatible…

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Features of Microprocessor 8257 DMA Controller

Features of Microprocessor 8257 DMA Controller: The Features of Microprocessor 8257 DMA Controller are follows, 1. It is a programmable; 4-channel, direct memory access controller. Each channel can be programmed…

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Interrupt Structure of 8096

Interrupt Structure of 8096: Eight interrupt sources are available on the Interrupt Structure of 8096. When enabled, an interrupt occurring on any of these sources will read the address of…

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8051 Interrupts

8051 Interrupts: The 8051 Interrupts provides 5 interrupt sources. The 8052 provides 6. These are shown in Fig. 12.28. The external Interrupts INT0 and INT1 can each- be either level-activated…

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Features of 8051 Microcontroller

Features of 8051 Microcontroller: The Features of 8051 Microcontroller family are as follows. 1. Single-supply +5 volt operation using HMOS technology. 2. 4096 bytes program memory on-chip (not on 8031).…

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8086 External Hardware Synchronization Instructions

8086 External Hardware Synchronization Instructions: The 8086 External Hardware Synchronization Instructions are namely HLT WAIT ESC LOCK NOP HLT Instruction : The HLT instruction will cause the 8086 to stop fetching…

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