Control Techniques for Electric Drives Articles

Control Techniques for Electric Drives Articles: Introduction Control Techniques in Electric Drives: An electric drive is a well established industrial drive as it has several adĀ­vantages and special features. Its…

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High Voltage Schering Bridge

High Voltage Schering Bridge: In the power frequency range (25 to 100 Hz) High Voltage Schering Bridge is a very versatile and sensitive bridge and is readily suitable for high…

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Cascade Transformer Connection

Cascade Transformer Connection: Figure 6.10 shows the Cascade Transformer Connection units in which the first transformer is at the ground potential along with its tank. The second transformer is kept…

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Measurement of High Direct Current

Measurement of High Direct Current: High magnitude direct currents are measured using a resistive shunt of low ohmic value. The voltage drop across the resistance is measured with a millivoltmeter.…

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Impulse Voltage Measurements

Potential Dividers for Impulse Voltage Measurements: Potential or voltage dividers for high voltage Impulse Voltage Measurements, high frequency a.c. measurements, or for fast rising transient voltage measurements are usually either…

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Series Impedance Voltmeter

Series Impedance Voltmeter: For power frequency a.c. measurements the Series Impedance Voltmeter may be a pure resistance or a reactance. Since resistances involve power losses, often a capacitor is preferred…

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Booster Generator

Booster Generator: A Booster Generator is a D.C. generator whose function is to inject or add certain voltage into a circuit so as to compensate the IR drop in the…

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